Earn Your Radio Operator Certificate - Aeronautical Today!

Canadian Flight Trainers has an examiner available to conduct ROC-A exams. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and with approval from Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada,  we are able to conduct ROC-A exams via video conferencing. 

To schedule a 30 minute video exam, read the information below and at the bottom of the page.

Examinations will be conducted in the following manner with our Accredited Examiner:

  1. A Time and Date must be agreed upon for the examination to take place.
  2. At the time of the examination, the examiner and student will log onto the video conference.
  3. The examiner will discuss the rules of the examination: The pass is a 70% and it is closed book.
  4. The examiner will verbally ask the student theoretical (multiple-choice) , practical, and scenario based questions.
  5. The candidate must be present anywhere in Canada during the examination.

If the student passes, the AE will conduct the appropriate paperwork with the student. The student will receive their ROC-A in the mail within 4 weeks. 

Students are recommended to download and study the ROC-A Study Guide. 

When completing the application, applicants are only required to fill-out the top portion of the application form.

For student pilots: Once the ROC-A is received in the mail, sign it and then present it to your flight instructor. Your flight instructor will sign your PTR before you solo.

For all other candidates: Once the ROC-A certificate is received in the mail, sign it.

Exam Booking Instructions are Below

Radio Operator Certificate - Aeronautical (ROC-A) Links

roc-a exam
ROC A Exam ROC-A Exam Radio Exam Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada logo

Purpose of the ROC-A License

The Radio Operator’s Certificate – Aeronautical is required to use any radio device which is capable of transmitting on the authorized aeronautical frequencies. 

The radio operator’s certificate – aeronautical is most commonly used in aviation by pilots, air traffic controllers, aviation enthusiasts, flight schools, and airport operators when communicating using the radio. 

Most of our exams are done by student pilots seeking to obtain the radio operator’s certificate prior to completing their first solo flight as part of their private pilot license flight training. 

Is there any ROC-A Practice Exam? How to Study for my ROC A Exam?

We recommend reading the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada study guide which is available at the link above. As the exam consists of a theoretical and practical portion, we also suggest that candidates spend some time listening to real air traffic communications. 

If available, you may find a live air traffic control feed at www.liveatc.net.

Our examiners only conduct the exams required for the issuance of a Radio Operator’s Certificate – Aeronautical.

ROC-A Exam Practice is available to all students or future exam takers. The radio operators practice exam consists of sample questions from the real exam which have been adapted and changed. The format of 25 multiple choice questions remains the same.

ROC A Exam Booking Process

  • First, study for the exam using the exam guide above and by listening to communications on www.liveatc.net.
  • E-mail one of our examiners (below) with three desired dates and times. Exams are normally conducted Monday to Friday between 10 am and 4 pm EST. If these times do not work for you, let us know and we will attempt to accommodate your request. 
  • If one of the dates and times works, you will receive a Calendar invitation for the examination. Please confirm this date and time.
  • At this point, you must pay for the exam,  send the examiner a piece of photo ID (passport if not a Canadian citizen), and send the examiner the signed application form dated for the date of the examination. This must be done at least 24 hours before the exam time, when applicable. 
  • Log onto the video platform at the agreed upon date and time to conduct the ROC-A Exam.


  • Daniel @ daniel@myflighttraining.ca (English)
  • Max @ max.salman@myflighttraining.ca (en français ou en anglais)

Do I get a Temporary Radio Certificate?

Examiners are not authorized to provide temporary certificates to candidates who have passed the exam. The examiner may provide you with a confirmation number confirming that the application has been submitted successfully to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.

It may take anywhere between two to four weeks for the radio operator’s certificate – aeronautical to be received in the mail. This is a Canada wide timeline and no examiner can guarantee a lower processing time for the ROC A.

All certificates are mailed from the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Office in Sault Ste. Marie ON. 


Is it safe to conduct an exam over video conference?

Our examinations are conducted in accordance with the COVID-19 guidance and approval provided by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. 

Our usual platform for examinations is through Google Meet; however, the platform may be changed if the candidate wishes to use a more secure platform.

We may not be able to accommodate all requests by candidates at all times.